Funerals / Memorials
Seed to root to plant to flower to seed—
earth to bloom to earth—
a soul returns.
And what it leaves behind,
an essence unmistakable—
like the scent of cinnamon or cloves.
“From images, to memories, to poetry, to ritual, Ben was masterful in pulling my father’s life together in a way that was inclusive of those who loved him. He never showed any signs of judgement or disapproval to several of my quirky requests and clearly demonstrated gifts of remarkable wisdom and intuition. As a spiritual leader, Ben understood my concerns regarding any potential unfinished business my father may have had. He created a space for my dad to feel honored and proud of the legacy he left behind, as well as supported to be free to move on to the next stage of his journey. ”
I look forward to collaborating with you in identifying those elements of remembrance, celebration, and ritual that are authentic to your loved one as well as are nourishing for your family. It is my honor to work with you in crafting a personalized ceremony that captures the unmistakable essence of your loved one.
The Scottish poet, William Campbell says that “To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.” A fitting tribute and affirmation of a person’s life can ensure continued life in the hearts of those who remain. The unique legacy of the individual as told through story, quotes, music, poetry, memories can serve as a source of inspiration and comfort for all in attendance for the days and years ahead.
I know firsthand how vital and sustaining a personal tribute and commemoration can be. I am an inter-faith minister for a spiritual community that celebrates the sacred in all cultures and across all religions and that celebrates the mystery of being human. Thus, I honor all philosophies, beliefs and traditions--religious, spiritual, secular, inter-faith and multi-cultural.
Along with my experience and talent, I bring my sincere desire to make sacred each passing, each life, each celebration and remembrance.
For questions, pricing, or other info, please contact me at (303) 819-3034 or